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Dear Scholarship Applicants: what is your WHY??

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The “WHY” behind every actions and decisions is a major propellant to excelling in life. Applying for scholarships is a facet of life in the academic world. Most applicants are very tenacious at the begining but with a lots of love letters, they get tired and give up.

Few days back, an applicant for a certain scholarhip told me she is tired, I asked herĀ do you REALLY want to get a scholarship this year?? She replied with a YES, then I told …..KEEP PUSHING!!!

Yes, that could sound harsh but in all seriousness, why did you venture into applying for scholarships if you will give up half way?? Then it means your WHY (reasons) behind applying for scholarships has no deep roots.

Your ‘WHY’ should be strong enough to push you to the very peak of excellence.

Your ‘WHY’ should be what keeps you awake in the light and working on your applications while the world is sleeping.

Your ‘WHY’ should create that eagerness to apply and keep applying in the face of numerous love letters.

Your ‘WHY’ should speak to every fiber of your soul and grace you with the garment of consistencies and resilience.

Love letters does not define you, you define them….they are the salt that spice your story up. Let them inspire you!!


Dear applicants…what is your WHY????



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