
How to write a proper Email

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Email is another electronic platform for communication however, quite a lot of scholarship applicants do not know how to construct a proper email.

The components of the email includes:

  • Your email which is at the top
  • The email of the person you are sending it to
  • The email of the third person you want to copy which is denoted with “cc”
  • Subject space, which is where you write the title of why you are sending the email.
  • Lastly, the major space to compose your message.

As an applicant, it is important to include your title in the subject space especially when you are sending your drafts for review.

This shows you know what you are doing and you are a serious person. Also, email should not be sent in an unmannered way, there is need to properly start with a polite greeting such as “Dear sir/ma” OR “Good Day”.

Also, ending your email with ” Thank you in advance” OR “Kind regards” shows that you are expecting a feedback and you also appreciate the person for taking out time to read your email.

Learning how to write a proper email is key if you want to be a professional person and you are aiming for the top.

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