
How to maximize second half of the year

Sharing is caring!

Yes, first half of the year is gone. It is okay not to have applied for any scholarship, send that cold mail or take up that online course.

This is the second half of the year. It is not too late to start afresh. It is not too late to pick up your pen and draft those essays.

This is the time to start sending cold mails to those professors. This is the time to envision the scholarship you want to applied to and if its not out, you start preparing ahead.

Some of your friends might have won in the first half, this is not the time to compare yourself and feel sad but rather encourage yourself and push.

Get up and be resolute. Seek help when needed but most of all believe in yourself. The world makes room for the man who knows where he is going.


Best wishes.!

With love from honournaija_blog

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