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The Tactful Excellent Mind

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Excellence in its definition is being outstanding and tactical. Today we have a tactful excelling personality on the platform. Please lets get to meet her.

Welcome ma, please can we meet you???

I am Adeleye Oluwakemi Rachael. I am from Osun State but grew up in Ibadan, Oyo State. I attended the University of Ibadan (UI), where I studied Agricultural Economics for my bachelor’s degree and completed it in 2016. I presently school at the University of Debrecen, Hungary, for my master’s degree in Rural Development. I enjoy volunteering, meeting new people, and been involved in community development services. During my leisure time, I love to cook.

Top notch, what inspired you to seek a scholarship and to study outside Nigeria?

I had always wanted to experience the education system outside Nigeria and compare how it looks like; maybe this was due to the rigor we had to go through in Nigeria’s schooling system with limited facilities available to aid learning for students. I was further motivated during my NYSC because my friends’ circle was encouraging and opened my eye to harness international scholarship opportunities. My interest and desire increased, and I started working towards it through scholarship research, compiling necessary application documents, and writing needed exams.

Hmm, Were you rejected?? How did you handle it? Share your experience.

I got rejected about three times, which was painful, but I kept on applying because I will not be here today if I had given up. I remembered there were even some admissions I got, but there were no funding opportunities, and I had to let go of them.

Smiles, How many scholarships did you applly for before hitting the jackpot?

I applied to about four scholarship opportunities before getting Scholarship for Christian Young People in 2019 to study here in Europe.

Did you feel excited after getting one? Share your experience.

Yes, I was happy and excited to have gotten this opportunity; it was a dream come true.

Lovely, . From your experience, what are the needful things to be done before securing a scholarship?

As an undergraduate student, work hard and finish with good grades; this will place you on an excellent platform to stand for applications. Also, get exposed to your field of interest; you could volunteer in lab, with NGOs, involved in leadership positions, research opportunities, and link up with like-minded people. Start your research early, comply essential documents on time, and give enough time for this; the system we have in Nigeria can be disappointing if documents are not applied for early enough, use social media links for scholarship search, and join scholarship platforms or groups.

Insightful, Any platform that students can get scholarships from? please share

You can subscribe to After School Africa, where you get detailed information daily via email on current scholarship opportunities and browse more on google.

Nice, Studying outside Nigeria, how does it feel?? Stressful, tasking, or quite with ease? Share your experience.

I would say it has been challenging, but you are encouraged to work and study because resources are available for students, which serve as the motivating factor.

True, What are your words of advice to intending scholarship applicants.??

Please do not give up, rejections are part of the application journey, and they form your story at the end. Do your best when applying, seek advice from mentors and work with like-minded people who will encourage and not discourage you. Finally, put all in prayers and trust God for His best.

I am inspired. Thank you so much ma😍.

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